My name is Julie, I started this recipe blog because cooking has recently become a passion of mine, and I wanted a place where I could keep some of my favorite recipes and come back to them time and time again, also so I could share my favorite recipes with my family and friends (and of course to the general public)
So a little bit about me I live in the great Northwest, I have the most amazing famiy in the entire world. In my spare time I love to do anything with perfoming arts whether it's singing, dancing, or acting. I love to scrapbook, I love blog designing. and graphic design (as you can tell with this website) and I of course I love to cook, in the words of NIgella Lawsen "When I am in the kitchen I'm Happy."
My favorite cuisine to cook is Asian (I'm Korean, hello of course I love cooking Asian), Mexican, Italian, and Homestyle.
Most of the recipes are recipes I have gotten from some of my favorite recipe websites. (see list to the right of my favorite recipe websites) as ALWAYS I give credit to the website and/or person where I got the recipe.
Anyway, hope you have fun exploring my recipe blog and if you try any of the recipes please leave a comment letting me know what you thought. Also if you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me via the contact page.