I have always wanted to try Risotto. I seen several methods on how to do it. So I have combined some of my favorite methods that I learned by watching the food network. So this is my take on it it's more of a method than a recipe. It turned out delicious if I do say so myself. I love the creaminess and the freshness of the lemon.
- 1 cup arborio rice (I used regular rice and it worked just as well but typically risotto is made with arborio rice)
- Onion
- 5-6 tablespoons of butter
- 1 can of chicken broth condensed with water
- 1 fresh lemon and lemon zest
- Parmesan Cheese
- Pepper
- Salt
In medium saucepan, sweat onion in about 2-3 tablespoons of butter until become translucent then add rice and toast until starts to turn a little brown and smells nutty roughly around 5-10 minutes (your nose will know when it's done) While that is toasting zest your lemon and reserve
In a separate saucepan warm up the broth and water and squeezed lemon juice from the lemon and let warm (don't bring to a boil because it will cause the liquid to evaporate and you need all the liquid)
When rice is done toasting and liquid is warm lower the heat to medium-medium low and add 2-3 ladle full of the liquid and let evaporate and stir. When liquid is evaporated add more liquid. Continue to do this until you have used all or most of the liquid and the rice has a creamy texture and the rice is cooked all the way through roughly around 20-30 minutes. Make sure you test it to make sure the rice is cooked all the way through.
When rice is fully cook add a couple more tablespoons of butter, parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper and mix until butter and cheese have melted. Top with lemon zest. Serve immediately
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